唐津 藤ノ木土平
Karatsu Dohei Fujinoki
土平さんは唐津の作家ですが、美濃でも修行されました。 古田織部が美濃陶を指導したことはよく知られていますが、 秀吉の朝鮮出兵時、唐津でも指導していたことは 意外に知られていません。 土平さんはその織部の美意識を追い求めて、 穴窯・登り窯で制作を続けておられます。 |
Dohei is a potter at the Kratsu area, however he has also leared at Mino pottery area. Karatsu and Mino is well known as the pottery area that the great tea master Oribe Furuta who was successor of Rikyu guided. Dohei has has been creating to use not only noborigama but also anagma that is rare in Karatsu, pursueing Oribe's beauty sense. |
朝鮮唐津灰被り 覆輪花生(共箱) 穴窯作品 D23-43 |
朝鮮唐津 高脚向付(1対) D23-60 |
朝鮮唐津亀甲形徳利 (共箱) D23-35 |
朝鮮唐津刻四方陶板 D23-58 |
220,000 JPY wooden box |
22,000 JPY wooden box |
49,500 JPY wooden box |
7,920 JPY(1piece) 6pieces available |
Tokkuri vase ashes covered golden covered mouth Anagama pieces |
Chose Karatsu A pair of bowls with stem |
Madara Karatsu changed in kiln Tokkuri |
Chosen Karatsu carved plate |
Please click the image to see the detail |
Please click the image to see the detail |
Please click the image to see the detail |
Please click the image to see the detail |